Wednesday, February 27, 2008

> father's birthday and veggie-eats' first post

it's my father's birthday tomorrow, february 28. no, i'm not writing about my papa today. i simply want to dedicate my first post to him.

he would have turned 89 tomorrow. except that he died from complications of his throat cancer. cancer took him away from me when i was only 3 and a half years old. now, at 54, cancer has still taken away people i love and journeyed with in my life. and i pray it stops.

cancer or cancer patients will not be the focus of lakbayera veggie-eats which aims to blog mostly about vegetarian food and eating. however, i'll refer to the dreaded disease from time to time since researchers/experts say (and i believe so) that the food we eat among others can prevent, cause or treat cancer and numerous dreaded diseases for that matter.

one book i discovered in my internet searches in 2004,
The Complete Cancer Cleanse, "offers a comprehensive, unique approach to healing cancer—body, soul and spirit".

its website says the book provides "a multidisciplinary approach to flushing toxins from the body, building the immune system, and restoring nutritional balance and vitality," even as a doctor manages the care of the patient.

the book has three parts. one explains in detail The Complete Detoxification Program. part two discusses A Renewal of Your Body, Your Mind, and Your Spirit. and three focuses on the inspiring and miraculous story of michael, a co-author and a ex-cancer patient who recovered from leukemia with the help of the book's holistic approach. you get a glimpse of the book through some excerpts published in the website.

here's something about emotional detox that struck me:

Emotional Cleansing
Chapter 9


Over the years, doctors and researchers have talked of a relationship between cancer and a patient’s personality type. There appears to be a cancer personality known as the “Type C Personality.” Overall, cancer patients seem to have similar behavioral and emotional patterns. Knowing what these are can be helpful in making positive changes. It also can be a warning to those who are presently incubating cancer within their bodies and don’t know it yet. This knowledge can be potent in preventing the disease from starting in the first place.

The “Type C Personality” often shares the following traits and experiences:

*Very often there has been an experience of loss – loss of a loved one or loss of hope. This can be experienced in many different forms. There may have been an unwanted divorce, death of a child, a spouse, or a beloved pet, loss of career, or a loss of faith in God or in others. Whatever the situation, the individual feels a sense of hopelessness and despair.

*A sense of hopelessness and despair often is deeply associated with questions about the meaning of one’s existence. Many Type C’s have questioned their right to be on earth or to be alive from as far back as they can remember; this may actually have begun in the womb for some.

*Another common trait among people with cancer is the suppression of emotions. Anger is the emotion most often suppressed, along with resentment and hostility. Cancer patients generally have not learned to express their anger, and have refrained from communicating their feelings. This generally is a lifelong habit.

*Often, people with cancer experience loneliness. Feelings of loneliness frequently began in childhood with a lack of closeness with one or both parents. It continued into adulthood with a lack of close friendships and fulfilling relationships. Many times it culminated with a loss of a spouse or significant person.

*Often cancer patients are those who carry other people’s burdens, and take on extra obligations; they may have a tendency to worry for others.

*There appears to be a great need for approval among Type Cs. They need to make people happy, and are usually “People Pleasers.”

Not all people with cancer have all of these characteristics, but most people share a pattern of being conscientious, caring, and hard working. They have been unable to communicate many of the feelings and emotions they consider negative. These unexpressed feelings are poisonous to the body and create an atmosphere where cancer can grow.

The next step is to understand our emotions so we can cleanse our body of the ones that are toxic.
Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing stated on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

I wonder, did my father have a type c personality? what type are you, pray tell me?


Hootin Anni said...

Hi, I just read where you'd like to be added to the Bloggers Over 50 Blogroll.

May I ask you to add the link or graphic [linked] to the home page of the blogroll first. When that is added, then I will add your blog to the list of members.

You'll find the link "Join" in my middle sidebar --click on that, then the directions on how to add a link OR the dropdown menu is on the Bloggers Over 50 blogroll home page.

lui lakbayera said...

thanks, hootin' anni. i added your link to homepages of my two blogs: lakbayera trips and lakbayera veggie-eats. is that ok? will the list show both blog titles or only one? or can i have a choice of only one?

CyNurse said...

hi,lui. your post on cancer was very interesting.

btw, my mom passed away last year due to gastric cancer. ours is a very extended family so you can just imagine how she worries about her parents, younger sibs, and their respective families.

thanks for the good read. good luck on your blog!

lui lakbayera said...

hi, cynurse! am sorry to hear about your mother. but you're still lucky -- you had the chance to get to know your mother and experience her love for many years. thanks for your visit and good wishes.

i passed by your about me section. pinay ka rin pala. and like me, you just gave birth to your blogs early this year. interesting blogs you have there and potential money makers.

good luck and wish you abundance and wellness in life.